Hi from Holland.

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Hi from Holland.

Messagede capetonian » Jeu 14 Fév 2013 14:11

Hi there everyone.

I am not a French speaker but I kept finding this forum in my google search results while looking for info on the B200. It seems that the most (and with that I mean with completed cockpits) of the B200 builders are French, . .how is that possible?? :)

I am originally South African but have been living in Holland since 1987. My father flew in the Royal and South African Air Force and I grew up with Aviation. I had originally started with a 737 project but decided that I would prefer to stop that project and concentrate on something that would give me both the pleaseure of Airliner-like performance and yet in which we (my son and I) would also be able to tear around the vally's mountains in .... a turbine was preferable over a jet and it had to be a good looking aircraft. The King Air was the most logical choice.

As far as software is concerned I am learning C# and I hope to write a complete B200 core program so that I will not be dependant on the Aeroworx or Carenado flight models.

Why did I join a French forum? Because I noticed in Stef737's B200 thread that he mentioned that his dxf and dwg files would be available. I would love to get in touch with Stef or anyone else who has these files so that I may use them to build my own B200.

I will launch a website soon to document my progression as I go. Should anyone want to write to me or if any one can help me with thte CNC plans, please feel free to write in French , .. I will rely on Google translate to get the english version out :)


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Re: Hi from Holland.

Messagede Boutondair » Jeu 14 Fév 2013 15:00

Hello Mark,


David cligneoeil grandsoleil
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Petit je rêvais que je volerais, maintenant grâce au virtuel je vole !!!!!
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Re: Hi from Holland.

Messagede razmott » Jeu 14 Fév 2013 20:18

Hello Mark,
Welcome on board ! And, of course, if you need additional information on the Beech 200, you may have a look at my web site: www.simucockpit.fr . I hope it will help.
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Re: Hi from Holland.

Messagede capetonian » Jeu 14 Fév 2013 21:10

razmott a écrit:Hello Mark,
Welcome on board ! And, of course, if you need additional information on the Beech 200, you may have a look at my web site: http://www.simucockpit.fr . I hope it will help.


Claude, thanks, and let me be honest, I have visited your site a million times already and have downloaded a lot of your pictures to study for ideas!! Your site was the first I found on the B200 after I had decided on 1 January to stop the 737 project!
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Re: Hi from Holland.

Messagede FiX » Jeu 14 Fév 2013 23:52

Hallo en welcom!
Ik ben heel vaak in uw omgeving... (in zeeland! Not for home cockpit, but for your good wind and water conditions...)
That's an awesome challenge to try to write a complet B200 software!
Sure you'll find all what your want for your futur home cockpit of B200, here...
Veel succes !
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Re: Hi from Holland.

Messagede GAILLARD » Ven 15 Fév 2013 05:31

Hi Mark

Welcome on this forum and good luck for your project. B200 is realy a good choice.
Dont Forget, communicate with pictures.
Best regards

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Re: Hi from Holland.

Messagede chtipilot » Ven 15 Fév 2013 07:23

Hi Mark,


See here (and before): http://www.aircockpit.com/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=1818&p=40746#p40746

For more info Private Message (icon MP)
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Re: Hi from Holland.

Messagede capetonian » Dim 24 Fév 2013 11:55

Thank you for all of your responses and even more so for writing them in English, your English is all a lot better than my French (which is non-existent :( )

I have been tied up with work and travelling a bit so I will still take the time to answer everyone individually. At the moment I am still gathering information. I have about a million questions on the B200 and the way people have done their gauges and the like. For now I have started on the software , of which I expect to have a usable release around the end of April. The idea is to build a core ie: the aircraft systems, and then add modules (like the GPS/EADI /EHSI. ) Reality XP would have been a good choice too but I want to have something that is not dependent having a flight simulator panel. Eventually the Core will take control over the aircraft systems and FS will only be the 'world' and environment in which we fly. Using this approach means that we are able to model and simulate a lot more of the aircraft systems than we can using just FS.

For now the first screenshots:

The first page, filling in the basics to be able to communicate with FS.

The first attempt at the upper annunciator panel.

Kind regards from Holland.

Mark .

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Messages: 29
Inscription: 6/01/13
Localisation: Almere - netherlands

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