Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Beechcraft & CO

Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede fcoq » Mar 17 Sep 2013 20:06

applaublanc applaublanc Good job!

Really immersive

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Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede capetonian » Ven 8 Nov 2013 00:04

A quick update from my side. I have been extremely busy with work and have bene doing a lot of travelling throughout Belgium, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Italy. Somewhere here and there I have managed to find time to work on the project.

I have changed the layout slightly from the one visable in the last screens and I have added a a few new sections.

Screenshot number one.
I have started to code the switches, one by one. As of now I am able to start the aircraft entirely using the interface. I have also included the generator reset button as a separate button, this is normally a third position on the switch but I decided to add it as a seperate button to make the coding a little easier. It is on the list to be improved at a later stage. You will also note the number '1' next to the Gen reset buttons, while codeing I often add little lables that show me the value of a variable while I am working with it. In this case if the generator is on then the value is 1, if the generator is off then the value is 0. If the generator needs to be reset then clicking the reset button will set the value to 2. If the value is 2 then the generator can be brought online as soon as the engine is running.

Screenshot number 2.
Here you can see the radio page. Sometimes when coding I get stuck and I need to try something out, I tend to bounce around the software from time to time so that even if I get stuck in one place I can continue working on another section. here I got sidetracked and splashed together a screen for the radios.

Still a long road ahead but I am getting there step by step, .... the long winter evenings are good for programming ;-) I had hoped to make a start on panels but I do not see myself making panels for a long time yet ;-(

Cheers and thanks for looking.
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Inscription: 6/01/13
Localisation: Almere - netherlands

Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede capetonian » Ven 8 Nov 2013 00:09

I forgot to mention in the previous post that on the second screenshot you can see that, when a radio is off, it's frequencies are greyed out and are set at 000.00. When the avionics switch is turned on and there is power from either the generator or the battery then the frequencies are 'lit up' and tuned to the aircraft frequenccies.
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Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede meistereder » Ven 8 Nov 2013 09:57

Good morning,

fascinating news and thanks for the update. I managed in the meantime to map the missing switches from my carenado using LUA scripts to my new Overhead Panel. Now - surprise - it is even more sad to see that autofeather, bleed air, inverter or for example Auto ignition do not really change anything when in use.

So when I get you right you are controlling the default King Air of FSX now with your panel. A start up complete to the checklist (with mandatory reset before setting each Generator works, etc)?

Wow. What would be the way to map those commands to hardware Buttons out of your software? Especially as some features (reset for generator) do not yet exist in any LVAR table?

My King Air Pit V1 is now on a level that makes real fun to fly. Implementing a real aviation intercom with 2 aviation headsets adds a high level of realism to the simulation experience when flown by two people. If you stop by in Vienna I would be happy to meet you for a coffee and a short round with my sim. Also I am of course more than willing to become beta tester if you are looking for some one day.

For me preparing the building of V2 has already started. I am in contact with Elite in Switzerland and John Russel in New Zealand regarding Shell and Panels. An alternative would be the upcoming physical King Air Proliant Panels of flightlinesimulations - but I think I go for Ruscool here.

Best and pls keep us updated!
Messages: 18
Inscription: 24/08/13

Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede capetonian » Mer 13 Nov 2013 23:39

Hi Alfred and Everyone else!

I have not yet incorporated the generator reset, but yes, it will mandatory. I want the software to be as realistic as possible. There will be no need to use LUA scripts with the software because I will emulate all the functions on the pc that is running the software.
The aircraft in FSX/9 will be stripped of it's logic, in other words all you will be flying is an empty bet pretty shell, eye-candy as it were. I also want to tweak the different flight models with the help of a B200/350 pilot because I think that, for example, the Carenado B200 is a gorgeous aeroplane to see but it flies like a wicked witch on a stolen broomstick in a crosswind!! ;-)

I made a small video this evening just to show the progress until now, .. a video also gives you a little more feeling for what is going on as opposed to a few screenshots. I've stuck the link to the video at the bottom of this post.

Wow, I drove through Vienna about three weeks ago, on the way to and back from Bratislava! I was there for work. But next time I am in the area I will be sure to contact you!!

Please feel free to leave feedback and let me know what you think of the progress so far:

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Messages: 29
Inscription: 6/01/13
Localisation: Almere - netherlands

Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede FiX » Jeu 14 Nov 2013 13:33

That's very impressive !! applaublanc
i7 2600k/P8P67pro/16Go PC3 17000/RX 580/SSD 250 Go et 120Go/W10x64
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Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede meistereder » Sam 16 Nov 2013 10:54

Good morning,

as FIX posted, there is not much to add - just impressive!

At one side it is being able to program stuff of that kind that is unbelievable. But on the other side I am asking me how you are getting the flight dynamics alligned when you just use the ouside model? Companies like MilViz, Flight1 and Carenado are spending years on the development of new add ons, some still release an add-on with a lot of missing stuff.

An example: You are programming a certain procedure for a switch to be turned on (Autofeather for the "Autofeather-Illuminators" after a certain N1). But how could this be really functioning with a real effect onto the plane with reduced drag when there is an engine failure during take off? Can you go that far?

Sorry for the many questions, but it just makes me curious:) This is just an exciting project!

And you are cordially invited when you head through Vienna the next time!

Best, Alfred
Messages: 18
Inscription: 24/08/13

Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede capetonian » Jeu 28 Nov 2013 00:48

Hi Alfred, and everybody else of course.

Alfred, sorry, what I meant to say is that the cockpit will not be used only the exterior of the aircraft and the flight model. I would like to have a flight model as close as possible to the real thing. All other logic, like generators, weight on wheels, failures, malfunctions and the like will be controlled by my software and communicated to FSX through FSUIPC.

I am using the default model, the ISDT model and the Carenado model for testing as I go along. The default model is the easiest to strip of it's logic and therefore I use it quite often.

I have just finished implementing the landing gear and assoiated annunciators and I made a short clip with my iPhone (sorry about the quality).

This week I will finish implementing the Landing gear failure parameters: IE, not possible to lower the gear above 171 kts and not possible to raise the gear above 163 knots. I also want to get the radio page finished . Then I will stop developing for a week or two while I concentrate on getting C# to talk to the Open cockpits hardware.

The idea is that the KingAir Systems simulator will only read switch values from IOCP, if a switch is on then the value sent to C# is '1' if it is off then the value is '0'. Pretty much like a SIOC script except SIOC will not talk to FSUIPC< only the Systems simulator will talk to FSUIPC, this makes it possible to implement many different subroutines and stuff like that in the software. Sure, there are some features that I honestly do not yet know how I will implement them , .. but I'll tackle them one at a time as I get to them ;-)

Please feel free to give me your feedback.
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Messages: 29
Inscription: 6/01/13
Localisation: Almere - netherlands

Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede meistereder » Dim 1 Déc 2013 19:19

Good evening!

Like always when you post something, I need to watch your videos more than one time - I am too amaced of what I see.

One thing that was not yet solved for FSX - but should work like a charm with your model would be the Master Caution and Master Warning logic. When did you plan to build that in?

I saw that you have the 2 annunciator panels modeled in your software - is it planned that those can be used on a small monitor aswell (as a gauge or even better network-gauge)? (I found out that leds for annunciators is a bit of work to program and to build physically - even more they often do not light that bright during daylight.) Currently I am using software-annunciators from PanelBuilder - which is a really good idea. Basically all I need is a small white jpg to show up on a certain position when the annunciator is on. I have built on that physical bezels and the effect is great. How do you plan to use those logics to get them on real annunciators - or maybe a monitor-gauge-approach is interesting for you aswell to build in?

Best and please continue with your great efforts!!

Messages: 18
Inscription: 24/08/13

Re: Beechcraft B200 King Air - Systems Simulator

Messagede capetonian » Mer 4 Déc 2013 16:21

Hi Alfred,

Thank you for your kind words. I must admit that I am having a lot of fun writing this software, the learning curve is big but as I fumble along it all seems to get easier and easier. As far as getting hardware to cooperate it is not that hard to implement, at the moment I use a variable which I set to 1 or 0 (or any other number) and later I can perform an action based on the value of that variable. Once i have the connection set up (still working on that bit) then I read ad write a string of variables to SIOC.

For example, to turn on the gear down indicator for the Right Main wheel I use the following code snippet:

if (ldgdownR.Value == 16383)
lightldgR.BackColor = Color.Lime;
lightldgR.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

By adding an extra variable to this I can control a hardware output. Now I have decided to reserve vars 7000 to 7200 for outputs, so let's say I take 7001 and make that the gear down value that I am going to send to the Open Cockpit hardware, I will add it to the code and then the new code looks like this:

if (ldgdownR.Value == 16383)
lightldgR.BackColor = Color.Lime;
var7001 = 1;
lightldgR.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
var7001 = 0;

in my Open Cockpits communication string I will write the value of 0 or 1, if the variable is equal to 1 then OC turns the LED on, if the value is 0 the LED is turned off.

As far as the gauges are concerned, yes it would be great to have those in the software too, actually in one of my first posts I mentioned this and the way I plan to approach this, but that is still a long way down the road, the first priority is to get the core programmed. then (network) based gauges can be added. Once I have the general basics of C# fully under my belt I'll get involved with graphics programming in C# and work on the instruments.

I would like to have a working weather radar as well as a Bendix King EHSI/EADI stack in the aircraft.

Thanks again fr your comments, your questions and of course for following this thread.
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Messages: 29
Inscription: 6/01/13
Localisation: Almere - netherlands


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